Optum HealthyBenefits+

Redefining the HSA experience for 52 million Americans


Optum Financial, part of the UnitedHealth Group, provides financial tools that 52 million customers depend on to exercise their healthcare benefits. Optum's goal was to consolidate several HSAs across its portfolio into a single HSA product with a superior experience. HSAs are mired in complexity due to their eligibility requirements, contribution limits, and tax implications for users. The UX landscape for HSA products reflects this complexity, and feel decades behind in experience compared to consumer digital products. As a result, many HSA owners are reluctant to use their HSA and leave many spending benefits on the table. They recruited our team to help build HealthyBenefits+.

What we did

We designed an easy to use mobile and web app called HealthyBenefits+. Our design approach emphasized HSA education and spending flexibility, which was reflected in two key features of the app: in-app product scanner and digital spending card which would enable 52 million Americans to exercise their HSA benefits from their phones. As part of our UX deliverables, we created the HealthyBenefits+ design system which accelerated the team's product development process and provided a consistent UX across platforms.


HealthyBenefits+ is poised to transform the experience of HSAs and FSAs for tens of millions of health insurance customers across America. It is slated for release in Q4 2024.

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